“Season of Love” stars an ensemble cast of six women, including Emily Goss (Iris), Laur Allen (Mardou), Jessica Clark (Lou), Sandra Mae Frank (Kenna), Janelle Marie (Janey), and Dominique Provost-Chalkley (Sue). “Season of Love” is the first-ever holiday rom-com specifically for queer women, and it’s arriving just in time for Christmas. It’s unheard of for a holiday rom-com to focus solely on storylines about queer women ( Netflix’s “Let It Snow” notwithstanding).īut, um, my fellow gays: There’s now a holiday rom-com with SIX queer women’s storylines at the forefront, including bi women and lesbians. Or queer characters are cast in minor supporting roles (the Quirky Lesbian Best Friend is a whole trope on Netflix these days).Īnd when it comes to holiday movies? Forget it. But when queer romances are featured, they often end in heartbreak, confusion, or tragedy. There have been a few queer storylines in popular romance movies recently. Sure, LGBTQ+ people are becoming more visible in the media in recent years. There’s only one thing that I don’t love about rom-coms, and that’s the fact that in Holiday Rom-Com Land, queer women like me don’t exist. They’re delightful in so many ways: the light-hearted romance, the cheesy jokes, and the happy endings. Like hot chocolate, they’re an unabashedly sweet and indulgent part of my Christmas experience.